



time perspective, past, present, future, adolescence, senior students


The article deals with the definitions of the phenomenon essence of the time perspective.

The time perspective is represented as a combined vision by a person events of his/her own life, presenting them in a certain time series and sequences. Features of the manifestation of the time perspective as one of the central new formations of adolescence are considered.

The results of the empirical research of the attitude of boys and girls to time, features of perception and using time by them, expressiveness of meaningfulness of life are showed. It is revealed that less than a third part of modern senior students has the optimal profile of time, that is, the high indicators on the factors of «positive past» and «future». Thus, 66 % of senior students have an explicit priority of the time perspective, which covers a period of more than 5 years. The other 34 % have a short-term perspective, which is limited by pass exams and enter an educational institution.

The interconnection between the time perspective of senior students and their semantic life orientations and styles of self-regulating activity is established. The high level of development of semantic life orientations and self-regulating activity is associated with the positive assessment of senior students of their past.

Research materials can be used by practical psychologists for the organization of correction and developing work with senior students.


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