mental health, self-knowledge, self-development, а teacherAbstract
The article examines the features of the teacher’s character, which are important for the preservation and maintenance of psychological health. This is an ability to accept oneself in the manifestation of the positive and negative features of the character and to accept others as they actually are. It is also an ability to concentrate on positive emotions; emotional and volitional self-regulation; to give oneself the right to have a mistake and to refuse.
A person’s psychological health is a prerequisite for one’s active life, self-determination and self-realization, the development of creative potential and positive-constructive thinking about oneself and the world around. Psychologically healthy people, in our opinion, are people who aspire to self-knowledge, are in harmony with themselves and the outside world, feel the inner need for creative activity. Consequences of disadvantage of psychological health are manifestations of the syndrome of professional burnout, psychosomatic illness, conflicts and tension with relatives and others. That’s why the issue of maintaining the psychological health of the teacher should be one of the priorities in the field of educational space.
A number of studies by A. Ellis, O. N. Kuznetsova, N. D. Lakosina, V. I. Lebedev, A. Maslow, G. S. Nikiforov and others are devoted to the issue of psychological health. Such scientists as R. Berne, V. S. Muhina, M. Rozenberg, І. І. Chesnokova consider self-knowledge, highlighting the specific features of this process. The research of V. Stepanov and A. Varlamov is devoted to the study of creative self-knowledge.
The purpose of the article is to consider the features of the teacher’s character, which are important for preserving and maintaining his psychological health.
Particularly important in the profession of a teacher is the development of creativity- oriented knowledge of oneself and the world. The teachers with a high level of creative activity of self-knowledge have formed the important characteristics of the individual such as the adoption of oneself and others as they actually are, personal reflection and emotional and volitional self-regulation, a conscious positive attitude to mistakes and failures as a life experience.
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Правовласниками опублікованого матеріалу являються авторський колектив та засновник журналу на умовах, що визначаються видавничою угодою, що укладається між редакційною колегією та авторами публікацій. Ніяка частина опублікованого матеріалу не може бути відтворена без попереднього повідомлення та дозволу автора.
Публікація праць в Журналі здійснюється на некомерційній основі.
Після публікації автор має право опублікувати свою роботу в будь-якому іншому засобі масової інформації без дозволу редакції журналу, без посилання на журнал, але з повідомленням редакційної колегії журналу про публікацію своєї роботи в іншому засобі масової інформації.
Редакція має право віддати роботу автора на публікацію до іншого засобу масової інформації, але з дозволу автору.
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