autobiographical, autonarrative, educational process, stress resistance, students, emotional stressAbstract
In this article are described what the educational activities of students to have negative emotional experiences. At the students basic stress-factors are bad marks, conflict situations with teachers, examinations, time shortage, the need to combine a work and a study.
In the article are showing differences between the emotional stress and the psychological stress. The emotional stress manifests in animals and humans. The emotional stress is accompanied bright emotional reactions. The psychological stress manifests only the humans which have the developed psyche. The psychological stress is not only accompanied bright emotional reactions and else cognitive components.
The theoretical and practices analysis indicates high level the personal anxiety and the social anxiety of students. As a result anxiety have emotional discomfort, fear in the different social situations. The high level anxiety hinders of a social and an emotional adaptation of the students, reduce of effective in a behavior and an interaction with other persons. On the whole our goal is to prove that the autobiographical narrative is the effective method of the psychotherapeutic work with negative emotional students.
The method narrative and autobiographical narrative are investigated by T. Tytarenko, M. Smulson, H. Shevtsiv, A. Hotlib, V. Nurkova, L. Burlachuk and O. Korzhova. The scientists indicate that the autobiographical narrative is the method which to help comprehending your life, to interpret and to design a reality. The reflection, self-examination and the critical attitudes to self and the others persons reduces the anxiety, improve a mental and physical health.
In the article we shown the practical application the autobiographical narrative in the psychotherapeutic work with students, and described positive result this method.
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