


trust, mistrust, phenomenon, nature of trust, structure of trust, function of trust, concept of trust


Trust is the fundamental category in philosophy, sociology, economy, phycology and jurisprudence.

In philosophy ethic trust is determined as moral attitudes and situated in possibility of prognoses of behavior of the person which is grounded on the knowledge about it and coincides with interests and understanding of moral. In philosophy ideas there are trace of positive understanding about trust, mistrust studied as phenomenon which is in the opposite to trust and closely interacts with him in the same continuum. In philosophy minds trust has its own structure and synthesize it in rational, irrational and spiritual — ethic components in the view of trust expectations and has direction to the realization of activities for achievement of maximum effective result. Together with this it appears as protrude of formation of subject relations on the basis of values as spiritual reference points.

In economical contest trust is determined as social economical phenomenon of consciousness and functional characteristic of social life of society.

Sociologists made serious contribution in formation of science knowledge about phenomenon of «trust — mistrust», emphasize importance of role of trust for stable functioning and development of modern society. In investigations of western and domestic scientists outweighs positive points of view for the phenomenon of trust. Authors gives determination of studied phenomenon, distinguish its structure, variety, stages of formation, development and describe trust as the mechanism which is stabilize of expectation in conditions of complication and transformation of society.

In political science determination of trust acquires ontological meanings. From the point of view of political scientist the main function of trust is durability of state and its authorities.

In the shown directions of classical foreign phycology trust is tightly connected with physiological health of person. Trust to own self linked with autonomy of person and trust to the other with skills to be open to yourself, to your own knowledge and surrounding. In domestic psychology trust appears not as phenomenon but as scientific concept.

In this way, theoretical analysis of scientific psychological literature showed the complication of concept of trust and existence of many variations of its interpretation in different branches of socio — humanitarian sciences. There is principal difference in approaches of study of this phenomenon in foreign and domestic literature. Significant differences in interpretation and aspects of studies of trust are marked in some branches of psychological science. Perspectives of further investigation of the problem are seen in actualization of theoretical material to the practical area in studies of patterns of formation of mechanisms of trust and mistrust in different live situations.


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