loyalty, affection, care, trust, commitment, historical and psychological analysis, psychological natureAbstract
Loyalty to personality passes its formation starting from the temporary emotional state of affection and to the firm product of cognitive and emotional unity that is determined by the neurohumoral processes. At the stage of devotion, oxytocin is the dominating hormone; it decreases anxiety and makes a person relaxed. Lack of this hormone induces an individuum to seek new regular contacts with its subject of loyalty. At the same time, vasopressin induces to build deep integrating relations with its subject of loyalty. Contrary to the beliefs in literature regarding the highly-moral loyalty, ethologists prove that the Homo sapiens species have a greater propensity for the «serial monogamy» than the clear one due to the long-time feeding of children and the need to bring them up and care for them. It was generalized from the intersexual and sexual relations to the other spheres of social and psychological life of a personality that created a basis for differentiation of beliefs about loyalty as a moral value, as well as cognitive and emotional formation.
For historical reasons, interpretation of the content of the term ’loyalty’ depends on the specific period, which give grounds to define its broad content-related volume and meaning. On the one part, loyalty was used to define moral and professional features of a person, its patriotic beliefs and personal qualities, and on the other part, nature of the said phenomenon was associated with limitation of human freedom in choosing and process of its personal growth.
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