


the role of the open crisis in psychology, psychology of action, ecstasy, catharsis, context


The article presents a theoretical analysis of psychological problems of the individual in the context vchynkovoyi paradigm V. A. Romentsya. The role of open psychological crisis highlights the author of fundamental principles of action and aftereffect.

Violated question «vchynkovosti», emphasizes the role of catharsis, ecstasy in the historical, cultural and religious contexts. Open psychological crisis period 10–30 years. XX century poliaspects highlights the cultural and historical development in the formation of national psychology in Ukraine.

Accordingly, analyzing stages of modern Ukrainian psychology, we find a correlation with the stages of categories of act, namely motivation, situations, actions and aftereffects. Period open category covers psychological crisis aftereffects when there is a debriefing and create new psychological paradigm. The impact of the Lvov-Warsaw school property Harkivsklyi, Odessa and other schools that have developed psychological science in Ukraine — it is the result of a large property. Contribution to the development of science such as scientists, psychologists V. A. Romenets, S. L. Rubinstein, Vygotsky can not be overstated. In the article the author proposes a new vision of open psychological crisis.

XX century for psychological science in Ukraine — is, first of all growing trend to study a unique person that contributed recognize personality traits and individual vision.

In conclusion, the establishment of modern psychological science in Ukraine is due to the removal of contradictions in finding the man himself, and implementing an integrated system approach research from context the formation of the modern paradigm of historical and psychological science.


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