situation of a moral decision, activity, subject, decision-making processAbstract
The article is dedicated to the issues of determining factors of a subject’s activity in the situations of a moral choice. A solution for the situations of a moral decision is defined as a special moral activity — conscious and purposeful activity of a personality that realizes their value and moral positions as well as directions in the process of making a choice. Such approach allows to consider decision-making in the situation of a moral choice as cognitive and personality processes, the structure of which contains an aim, a result, means of achieving the goal, motivation, assessment criteria and the rules of making a choice and consists of the stages that a person passes making decisions in all other types of activities: perception and understanding of a situation, hypothesis generation, making a decision and its assessment. The distinctive feature of finding a solution in the situations of a moral choice is a definite combination of conscious and procedural sides. The conscious side of decision making is made of the set of value and moral determinants in the framework of which a subject shows a certain readiness to resolve a contradiction of a value conflict of a situation that occurs. The procedural side provides the structural full value of a decision and reflects traits of passing through its certain stages. The procedural side is an important component of the conscious one as the main determining factor that affects the quality of a decision is resources of a subject, which are based on the combination of cognitive (ethical knowledge, philosophical moral conception, moral reflection), emotional-value (moral feelings and values) and behavioral (self-control and moral acts) components of a value conscious individual.
The result of finding a solution for a situation fully depends on the quality of activity of an individual that is a subject of a moral choice.
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Редакція має право віддати роботу автора на публікацію до іншого засобу масової інформації, але з дозволу автору.
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