


tolerance, definition of tolerance, components of tolerance, functions of tolerance, types of tolerance


In my opinion there is a problem in the lack of purely psychological information on the topic of tolerance in the current state of the psychological science and the objective position of the researchers.

The purpose of this article is the analysis of the problem of tolerance in the modern psychological science.

This theoretical work shows that:

− the problem of tolerance in the psychological science is recent and underdeveloped;

− the increasing number of theoretical and practical studies shows its growing relevance;

− the disambiguation of the concept of tolerance hinders the agreement among the scientific community;

− the schools of the Western modern psychology tend to generalize bipolar manifestations of tolerance;

− the existence of the different approaches to this subject with their own rationale in different schools of psychology and the the scopes of the manifestation;

− the modern psychological schools of the CIS create a component structure, isolate the functions, classify tolerance according to the object, the tolerant attitude is given in order to operationalize the subject of tolerance.

Thus a substantial number of practical studies on the topic of tolerance was made and the result show the need of more empirically proven and theoretically substantial data on the topic of tolerance in the system of human personality. It may be necessary to combine the characteristics of a tolerant person as a base of a complex diagnostic methods of tolerance in the future.


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