


addiction, Internet addiction, dysfunctional family, personal neoformations of adolescent addict


The article presents the study of the psychological factors of adolescents’ Internet addiction appearing as a complex of personal neoformations under the influence of family ill-being and in the context of age-dependent psychological development of an adolescent. The comparative study of the functional and dysfunctional families according to the indices of upbringing conditions and interrelations between parents and children, the comparison of social-psychological characteristics of adolescents of the «risk group» with their peers from functional families are made. It is experimentally confirmed, that excessive affliction for Internet is the index of personal ill-being, that is caused by the influence of disadaptational interpersonal relationships in a family and is the ground for developing Internet-addiction during adolescence. Thus, excessive curiosity of adolescents in Internet as the need to change the reality is a symptom of a global personal distress and logical consequence of the previous age stages of development caused by family problems. Internet addiction forms gradually, slowly realized and confirmed in the life of an adolescent as a socialization barrier. The analysis of the relationship of family problems as conditions of Internet addiction clearly shows that the attention should be paid in order to prevent psychological problems inside the family an improve relations with their parents as the key and leading institutions of socialization.


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