


youth, political values, political socialization, the system of value orientations


The article considers theoretical prerequisites for the formation of political values of youth. Forming personal political values depend on the group affiliation of individuals and contradictory value systems, role expectations of different social groups, which include individual. Socio-political values reflect the aspirations and attitudes of society to certain facts, events and processes of political life, creating a kind of «order» for the political elites, but in the same way they affect specific individuals with their individual political values.

We consider it appropriate to exercise a formative influence on all three forms of political values. The individual determines the subjective value of a political party based on it, in his opinion, the opportunity to realize a rather abstract social and political values, for example, to achieve freedom, democracy, equality, ensure human rights and justice. In our study the formation of political values seen young people in the context of their own development, the establishment of adequate political situation changing values. Political values are always subjective due to the fact that there is no reality outside the political actors themselves phenomena of political reality have no psychological significance, the importance of perception give actors — individual or society.

The concept of the formation of political values youth educational system based on principles — principles of teaching in higher education; principles create situations of joint productive activity; principles of contextual learning; principles of personalityoriented education.


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