


сulture of feelings, feelings, emotions, psychological preparation, emotional culture of man, management of emotions


The ultimate goal of the agrarian specialist is solving organizational and management problems. This effect is due to emotional relationships with others, subordinates, colleagues and partners.

The problem of education culture feeling has always been the focus of scientists — philosophers, psychologists, teachers, ethics, and its development has a profound and multifaceted spectrum (J. A. Comensky, John Locke, J. J. Rousseau, A. S. Makarenko, K.D. Ushinsky, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, B. I. Dodonov, K. D. Izard, P. M. Jacobson, I. D. Bech, O. V. Kirichuk, O. L. Kononko etc.).

Preserving mental and physical health depends on the ability to manage future agrarian emotiogenic situations in the life.

Therefore, to successfully creating a culture of feelings in students a teacher must constantly improve their spiritual potential, in particular at the level of art neutralize negative emotions and cultivating positive high; creating positive emotions of the audience because of the beauty of thought, word beauty, artistic and aesthetic value, because they bear the potential joy of intellectual, moral, aesthetic beauty and pleasure, making a particular impact on education cultural feelings of students.


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