personality, infantile, actions on organization of life, personal resource, potential, personal competenciesAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of empirical research of basic personal competencies as an additional mechanism for the study of infantile personality. The study of the problem of infantilism of modern youth is impossible without considering the very process of its life formation. The need for a study of infantilism as a personal construct that can inhibit the activity of the individual becomes relevant and in demand both from a theoretical and a practical point of view, however, despite its apparent significance, this problem has not been fully developed in modern psychological science, except for individual directions, which mainly relate to the clinical and age-old manifestations of infantilism. Competent approach to the study of infantilism in science is absent. The relevant competencies are represented and empirically confirmed: external competence of internal family relationships and internal competence of family relations, external competence of material and social status, internal competence of material and social status, external competence of the valeological sphere and internal competence of the valeological sphere, external competence of professional activity and internal competence of professional activity.References
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Після публікації автор має право опублікувати свою роботу в будь-якому іншому засобі масової інформації без дозволу редакції журналу, без посилання на журнал, але з повідомленням редакційної колегії журналу про публікацію своєї роботи в іншому засобі масової інформації.
Редакція має право віддати роботу автора на публікацію до іншого засобу масової інформації, але з дозволу автору.
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