


teenagers psychoemotional state, internet-advertising, content, computer games


Introduction. The article is based on the teachers and psychologist observation’s results in the Zaporizhzhya Aviation College. The authors found out the impact of information technologies through internet-advertising and computer games on the psychoemotional state of youth. The influence of information violence is clearly traced, which is manifested in the students’ preference for simplified scholarly material, individual, rather than in groups, passive learning with constant teacher supervision. Purpose. To consider the impact of information violence on the psycho-emotional state of young people, on the individual qualities, the individual society formation. Methods. The studies were conducted in a complex: the formation of questionnaires and questioning of students, the analysis of topic publications under consideration and the analysis of the students observations results during classes. Rezults. Information violence is taken by young people in part consciously, but more unconsciously. The impact of this violence is manifested in all spheres of life, and primarily in the study and individual society formation. An insignificant part of the respondents offers a variety of ways to protect themselves from this violence in the form of blocking programs, bans, creating special sites, self-education, raising the culture of the user in the family. Conclusion. Under the influence of information violence that exists on the Internet through computer games and internet-advertising among young people, negative changes in the personality qualities are formed: a decrease in the volume of short-term memory, the level of logic and attention worsens, and the development of the emotional sphere is very much affected. It should be noted that the relationship’s sphere of the sexes that is relevant for young people is also distorted, destroying the native old traditions of sex education. The knowledge introduction about protective possibilities each user from information violence in modern society will provide by choice in favor of the safe upbringing of youth.


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