
  • О. В. Скориніна-Погребна National University of civil protection of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • О. О. Бутко National University of civil protection of Ukraine, Ukraine



autoaggression, autoaggressive activity, suicide, masochism, alcoholism, psychology


In consequence of the scientific literature analysis is defined that: Autoaggression is an activity, aimed consciously or unconsciously at inflicting self-injuries either physical or mental. An autoaggressive behaviour is expressed in the form of prompt planning and preparation to autoaggressive activity; in choosing consciously lethal ways of its realization; in long-term unaffective pre-suicidal period. Autoaggression manifests in self-accusation, self-abasement, inflicting injuries yourself with different stage of severity even coming up to suicide, and in self-harm — ranging in severity and including suicide, and in self-destructive behaviour (drinking, alcoholism, drug addiction, a choice of adventure sports, unsafe professions, provocative behaviour). In consequence of analysis of approaches to the research of autoaggression, the classification is proposed in order to systematization of existent information concerning to the proposed question.


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