


Persistence, perdictors, level of components of persistence


In this article, we will consider the impact of individual psychological factors on the formation of persistence, determine the methodology for studying these factors, and investigate the level of the components of persistence. In modern psychology, attempts are made to comprehensively understand the personal characteristics responsible for successful adaptation and overcoming life difficulties. Of particular importance is the desire and ability of the individual to actively explore the novelty and complexity of the ever-changing world, to create their own strategies of behavior and activity based on persistence as the ability to accumulate, accumulate and maintain for a long time qualities that help overcome difficulties and adapt to complex conditions. In the psychological context, persistence ensures the realization of the potential of the individual; Serves as an internal condition for the organization of human activity, a regulator of the most important moral values. But when studying persistence, it is necessary to establish which factors influence its formation. Persistence is considered as a two-dimensional construct (static and dynamic components). At the same time, no less important is the problem of studying the factors that influence the development of persistence, and is specific with respect to the static and dynamic component of persistence.
To identify the relevant individual psychological factors of the formation of persistence, special statistical procedures were used that describe the relationship between independent (predictors) and dependent (criterial) variables. Predictors used indicators of psychodiagnostic techniques aimed at studying personality types, accentuations, emotional states and features of the structure of internal motivation.


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