parenting style, personality, psychological problems teenager, formation of personality traitsAbstract
The article presents the analytical review of theoretical and experimental studies of problem of parenting style on the formation of psychoemotional and personal problems of adolescents. Such problems are considered as the result of adolescent parenting. Defining the role of parenting style in personality development necessitates the study of its influence on the formation of psychoemotional and personal disorders. The experiments have confirmed the hypothesis of the existence of the relationship between the non-constructive style of family education and the presence of emotional and personal problems of children in the future. As a result of theoretical and practical research, we came to the following conclusions: 1. The inadequate attitude of the parents to the child leads to emotional psychological discomfort, the emergence of psychosomatic diseases. 2. The level of personal growth teenager depends on family climate and atmospheric conditions. 3. The manner and nature of relationships and family communication, become the basis, on which to build relationships with peers and adults in the educational process and affects the self-determination of personality structure teenager. Analysis of theoretical and practical sources of the problem showed that the relationship of parents with a child directly affected their psychosomatic condition. Dissatisfaction child relationship parents, careless attitude of parents to the child all this affects the formation and manifestation of psycho-emotional and personal problems of juveniles. Distrust of the formative experience of children, rejection of their personality and age discrepancy education opportunities and development needs with conflict relations in the family are the main aspects of the traumatic existence of children in the family.References
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