
  • Ю. В. Форманюк South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University K. D. Ushinsky, Ukraine



infantile, infantilism, personality, genetic-modeling approach, way of life of the individual


Socio-economic situation, as shown by recent events, under the influence of various external and internal factors becomes unstable and filled with all sorts of unpredictable and, most importantly, difficult for most people, causing difficulties not only economic, but also psychological. Ukrainian citizens have some experience of uncontrolled collision for political, economic and social changes.

The article analyzes current scientific approaches and psychological theories that constitute the theoretical and methodological basis of research infantile personality. Isolation and analysis of individual methodologies of psychology is the most productive approach, a paradigm that defines the main lines of research infantile personality, because the term «infantilism», introduced to determine the behavior of adults which mimic childishness, was a sense of change. Modern psychological knowledge requires the creation of new theoretical and empirical approaches to the study of personality in all of its forms and contexts. The problem of passivity refers to the most complex category of knowledge, which, being widespread in domestic use, virtually was no confirmed by serious theoretical and empirical research in any field of psychology. Theoretical and methodological basis of research infantile personality are: genetic-modeling approach by S. D. Maksymenko main principles of integrative psychology, scientific understanding of the life of the individual, the general principles of the theory of personality.

Author Biography

Ю. В. Форманюк, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University K. D. Ushinsky

Formanyuk Y.


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