early postpartum, family relationships, mother-child interaction, marital satisfactionAbstract
The article includes the analysis of the results of the scientific research of marital relationships state and woman’s attitude to a newborn child in terms of neonatal adaptation of the «mother — child» system depending on the course of pregnancy and childbirth. The first step in the context of our work was to determine the evaluation of marriage satisfaction, manifestations of family conflicts and husband’s indifference in family affairs. The second step was the diagnosis of maternal-child relationships. The research takes into account the factor of women’s participation in the activities of medical and psychological support for the family during pregnancy. The obtained results of the study prove the fact that women, who attended classes during pregnancy for medical and psychological support for the family, regardless of the type of delivery, set favorable family circumstances, emotional and moral support from the husband, partner involvement in family affairs and adequate family interaction. These mothers have established the optimal emotional contact with the child and partnerships with newborn are typical for them. We diagnosed that husbands of those women who did not attend medical and psychological support classes during pregnancy and those mothers who had a physiological pregnancy, have indifferent attitude to family affairs. This attitude provokes family conflicts and discontent spouse relationship, against which a woman avoids interaction with the child that leads to excessive emotional distance, in other words it leads to avoidance of an equal relationship with the baby.
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