group subject, subjectness, system, system-forming factor, unconsciousAbstract
The article examines onto-psychological and methodological foundations of study the phenomenon of group subject activity. Theme of the research is the phenomenology of group and individual subjects and their subjectivity. Aim of the research is the conscious and unconscious factors functioning of the group as a system. The method of investigation is a literary and psychological analysis of the levels of functioning of the group subject as a system. We develop the concept of «group subject» as a special dynamic and systemic quality of the group as a result of actions of the group as a whole, when it is in important social situations, carrying out behavior, activity, communication and other activities, and converts the situation itself. We proved that the group becomes a subject only through the understanding of self and others, so the group consciousness and self-consciousness is the indispensable characteristic of the group as the subject. We insist that the need to analyze the differences between the identity of group and the identity of a members of the group as a group subject activity. At the moment, there are already researches which show the gap between these phenomena. We, in turn, believe when the smaller the gap, the more unconscious processes determines intergroup processes. Then pathological unconscious contents of the members of group determine intergroup processes. Within the framework of the investigation also we examined issues about peculiar manifestations of the group unconscious and its phenomenological incarnations. As a result, identified three levels of phenomenon analysis of group subject’s activity in the theory of self-developing systems methodology. Field of application the results is a practical activity of social psychologists, whose purpose is debugging functioning of small groups as a self-developing systems. As conclusion, the proposed research allows essentially complement and enrich the methodological idea of the essence of the subject group.References
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