
  • О. Г. Сиропятов Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Ukraine
  • Н. В. Гончаренко National Medical University. AA Bogomoltsa, Ukraine



energy theory of emotions, predictors, empathy, alexithymia, emotional burnout, psychoprophylaxis


The article notes that there is now a decline in the mental health of the population of Ukraine. Due to the country’s transition to rynkovye relations, the growth of social, economic and political tensions in the society, the reforms that continue in the health care system and lowering the standard of living adversely affect their mental health and in particular on the emotional sphere. There is a marked increase in psychological stress, which leads not only to a decrease in efficiency, but also increase the number of different neurotic disorders. It is also noted that the majority of individuals with years of emotionally charged work increases the level of anxiety, a tendency to depression, psychosomatic disorders appear.

In this article, on the basis of the theory of energy emotion proposed VV Boyko, grounded concept predictors of emotional disorders using psychological concepts such as empathy, alexithymia and emotional burnout. The characteristics of these concepts. Shows the dynamic nature of the psychological characteristics of the recommendation development psychoprophylactic and therapeutic measures on premorbid and of initial stages of the emergence of emotional disorders.

The article characterized ten fundamental emotions: interest, joy, surprise, grief (suffering), anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame and guilt (repentance). Emotions are presented as fundamental emotional program.

The dependence of the emotional state of the state of internal organs. It is noted that according to the canons of Chinese medicine, each of the 12 systems of the body is the generator of certain qualities and reactions.

Inferred that the energy theory of emotions enables a holistic approach to early diagnosis of mood disorders. In this case, you can highlight the psychological and clinical predictors. Clinical predictors are divided into psychopathological and (psycho) somatic. Selection tools can serve as predictors of emotional and psychological questionnaires and clinical tests.

Author Biographies

О. Г. Сиропятов, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy

Syropyatov O. G.

Н. В. Гончаренко, National Medical University. AA Bogomoltsa

Goncharenko N. V.




