student group, integrative, value priorities, socio-oriented directionAbstract
Article is devoted to finding the value of integrity condition of the student group in the context of sociogenic change. The author examines the basic value preferences and their influence on the degree of importance of integrity in case of group students Azov State Technical University. Researches of some private aspects do not claim, of course, global coverage of problem. Activities relating to the formation integrity student group, inherently creative, so it is impossible to give on universal way of its implementation, but content analysis, of qualitative characteristics of relevance and value preferences in accordance with subjective world of the individual are an important task in the study of organizational processes in groups. The relationship of significance is extremely informative to characterize the integration of student groups which can get reliable data on the personal development of modern students. Research the value of conditionality integrity student group allows a new approach to address and resolve application problems of social psychology — the formation efficiency of joint activities to promote understanding of the changes occurring in the modern Ukrainian society.Downloads
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Після публікації автор має право опублікувати свою роботу в будь-якому іншому засобі масової інформації без дозволу редакції журналу, без посилання на журнал, але з повідомленням редакційної колегії журналу про публікацію своєї роботи в іншому засобі масової інформації.
Редакція має право віддати роботу автора на публікацію до іншого засобу масової інформації, але з дозволу автору.
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