


personality, determinant, health, psychological health, self-regulation, well-being, implementation of I


The article is devoted to the definition of the main determinants of psychological health of the individual. It was revealed that the determinants of psychological health are such features of personality potential as ability to actively analyze the committed actions, the ability to self-control and the lack of stress in everyday life, positive mood, vital activity, a sense of optimistic perspective, activity of social life (availability of work, personal achievements, communication with relatives), social creativity. Among the value orientations that characterize the spiritual potential of the individual, the most favorable for the psychological health of student youth is the focus on subjective economic well-being. It is shown that the peculiarities of the attitude to psychological health also serve as determinants of the psychological health of the individual. In particular, as such determinants, the impact of such settings as «good education is a factor in achieving life’s success», «health care and a healthy lifestyle are important factors in influencing health». It has been proved that psychological comfort is an integral part of the determination of psychological health, while concerns and feelings in student youth are a sign of problems with psychological health. It is determined that among the measures taken by the student youth in support of their own health, it is physical exercise, observance of the regime of the day — are the most significant means of supporting psychological health. It is shown that a clear knowledge of what needs to be done about caring about your own health is a factor that will contribute to strengthening the psychological health of student youth.


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