


adaptation, psycho-pedagogical conditions, disadaptation, exclusioncompetitive behaviour, psychological support, student’s area


The article analyzes theoretical bases of adaptation of students to study in higher education and the peculiarities of the process. Adaptation is understood as a process of adaptation to environmental changes and it is one of the most important issues of general and still is the traditional subject of debate in psychology. Adaptation is the change itself (attitudes, character traits, behavior, etc.) in accordance to activity, social conditions and new environment. It is entering a new social position and a new system of relationships. Psychological adjustment associated with the receiving of a new student social position and mastering new social role of «student».

Psychological and pedagogical factors of this adaptation, attempts to develop specific recommendations on the provision of first — year students help in adapting to the new conditions of life, psychological support for students affected by negative competitive behavior among students are described.

Attention is paid to the activities of the curator, because curator’s work is to create favorable conditions for the formation and training support, an atmosphere of trust and mutual aid. In the context of globalization is steadily growing rivalry between the people and the struggle to achieve the best results. Relevance is prevalent for the student environment. However, a number of circumstances it can take a destructive direction and negative affect on relations and training students. The negative characteristic of the rivalry is a testament of the relevance of problem which related to competitive behavior and requires activation of psychologists. So in modern society the problem of adaptation is extremely important for individual.


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