


collective self-esteem, membership esteem, private collective self-esteem, public collective self-esteem, importance to identity, regional features, students, national identity


The article is devoted to regional features of a national self-esteem. The results of empirical research of collective self-esteem of students from the northern, southern, western and eastern regions of Ukraine are considered. National self-esteem was examined by Collective Self-Esteem Scale (authors — R. Luhtanen, J. Crocker). The main part of the text informs about features of a national self-esteem by students from the different regions of Ukraine. Two general characteristics for all groups are identified: the high level of Private Collective Self-Esteem and the low level of Importance to Identity. Ukrainian students highly appreciate their nation. At the same time, for most Ukrainian students, the nation does not play an important role in their personal development. The highest level of Membership Esteem is found among respondents of the northern region of Ukraine. Students of the western and northern regions are more positive about their nation than the students from the eastern and southern regions. The students of the western region most highly appreciate their nation. The lowest rates of Public Collective Self-Esteem are established among students of the southern region of Ukraine. In the opinion of these students, the «others» estimate Ukrainians not positive. From the results it is concluded that there is a common and a difference in a collective self-esteem between students from different regions of Ukraine.


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