


self-attitude, autosympathy, self-esteem, self-efficacy, global self-relationship, self-regulation


Juvenile age especially important for the development of the individual. This period determines the next person’s life. At this stage, such new formations of the individual as a world outlook, self-determination, professional self-determination, the development of a stable self-concept are formed.

This article analyzes theoretical positions in the study of self-attitude, as well as practical psychology with the purpose of substantiating the composition of a psychocorrectional program of influence on the level of self-attitude in adolescence.

The study of the problem of the attitude of the individual to himself was done by such scientists as L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinshtein, B. G. Ananiev, I. S. Kon, L. I. Bozhovich, V. V. Stolin, S. R. Pantileev, I. I. Chesnokova, I. D. Bekh, O. E. Gumenyuk, O. I. Kroshka, A. V. Kolodiazhna, T. M. Zelinskaya and many others, as well as foreign researchers — W. James, E. Erickson, M. Rosenberg, R. Berns, K. Rogers and many others.

In our empirical study, 194 first-, second- and third-year students took part, and than half of the students had a contradictory or negative attitude to themselves, which necessitates corrective influence.

We believe that the effectiveness of corrective action depends on how accurately all the structural elements of the self-attitude will be taken into account in it.

Studying the views of scientists on the problem of the attitude of the individual to himself, especially in adolescence, we have identified the dual nature of this phenomenon, namely: intrapsychic and social.

In the process of studying scientific approaches in studying the problem of self-attitude, the interrelationships of this phenomenon with the general physical well-being of a person, with the self-consciousness of the individual, the peculiarities of social functioning were revealed.

These characteristics and became the defining directions in the organization of correctional influence. The social factor was taken into account in the form of work in the group. The biological aspect will be taken into account in the form of selection of such warm-up training exercises in which the body component will be involved, for example exercises aimed at relieving tension. And the psychological aspect is taken into account by us as a selection of the training modules in which the effects on all the components of the self-attitude will be affected, namely:

– emotional-value component;

– emotional evaluation component;

– emotional-behavioral component;

– system-forming component of the self-relationship;

In the process of such a training, we plan to further explore the dynamics of changes in personality characteristics, as well as in the structural components of self-attitude.


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