self-regulation, motivation, self-control, reflection, correction and roswitha program, students with mental retardationAbstract
In the article the necessity of formation of self-regulation in the system of education of children with special educational needs, as well as principles of psychocorrection program for the study and describes the main content of the formative experiment. The article substantiates the necessity of formation of self-regulation in the system of teaching children with special educational needs, the principles of the psycho-correction program of research are determined and the main results of the molding experiment are described. The main tool for ensuring the content of the system of psycho-correction is the method of self-regulation development focused on the development of key substructures of self-regulation: a) learning motivation (the development of skills to subordinate their own activities to the goals and objectives of the teacher in the process of setting goals, to match the goals with their own capabilities, to independently determine the stages of the task and the sequence of intermediate goals; plan a system of actions to achieve the goal); b) self-control (conscious perception of the requirements of the task, ability to analyze and plan the progress of work, determine the appropriate way, bring the work to a logical conclusion, control the received interim and final results, update the acquired knowledge in the new situation); c) self-assessment (the development of skills to systematically overcome first small difficulties, and eventually more significant, point out the reasons for the results of their learning activities, control and evaluate their own work); d) reflection (the ability to randomly analyze the rules, assumptions, situations, etc., on which the activity depends, and «try» them for their own activities); e) self-correction (development of skills to correct, transform and improve their own activities). The evaluation of the effectiveness of the psycho-correction program contained a psychological analysis of the self-regulation of educational activities. The evaluation criteria included both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results on the basis of the obtained objective and experimental indicators of the forming technique.References
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