
  • Е. М. Псядло Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine



cabinet psychological relief, psychotherapeutic help, extreme profession


Psychological relief organization offices (planning, design and equipment) are carried out in line with the goals of psychological and psychotherapeutic aid workers extreme professions. The main problem cabinet sensory-perceptual methods and psychotherapeutic effects on patients Study of psychological relief can be regarded as a structure of two components. The first component of the cabinet — solves a common problem (primary and secondary) and is universal in all conditions. The second component of the study — specific problems in specific and extreme conditions. This multi-structure study can be used in stressful situations and on the so -called «risk areas «where possible manifestation of long-term effects of malicious environmental and social impacts. Применениевзаимопотенцирующих complex sensory- emotional techniques based on the patterns of psychophysiological activity of the central nervous system.

The main tasks of the Cabinet of psychological relief : recovery performance in the initial phase of developing fatigue and reduce the reliability of workers; acceleration of the process of adaptation to work and optantov beginners ; activation operation before starting work, the removal of the so-called «Transport fatigue «reduction period «vrabatyvaniya»; active strategy of management of acute stress reactions, normalization processes of sleep and wakefulness ; recovery of mental and emotional status and reliability of persons who are under stress (the consequences of conflict, emergency or extreme situation); prevention of mental and emotional surge, mitigate the effects of stressful situations and psychophysical overloads workers; elimination of physical discomfort and emotional stress during moving, seasonal shifts lap time, meteorological changes, weather conditions, «magnetic storms «and other «unfavorable days»; preventing the development of stress disorders — neurotic and psychosomatic («jobstress», «stressatwork», «occupationalstress», «organizationalstress»); training to work with a high level of mental stress in special and extreme conditions (power structure, rescuers, crisis management, etc.); correction of deviant and delinquent behavior.

Author Biography

Е. М. Псядло, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

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