
  • О. І. Кононенко Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine



perfectionism, personality, ontogenesis, factors


In modern psychological science presents different conceptual models of perfectionism in which this phenomenon is seen as a multidimensional phenomenon. The ontogenesis of perfectionism raises the question of modern research directions in the study of the essence of the phenomenon of perfectionism personality. The purpose of the article is to analyze current research problems of ontogenesis perfectionism personality. Representatives of different approaches agree with the opinion that the negative implications of perfectionism is due, above all, family factors, namely those expectations, hopes and demands, which lay on children of the parents. Thus, in modern psychological science presents different conceptual models of perfectionism in which this phenomenon is seen as a multidimensional phenomenon. However, existing in psychology understanding of perfectionism is not possible to shed light on the circumstances, the pursuit of excellence in itself is not pathological, and becomes so only because of certain circumstances, therefore, the ontogeny of perfectionism raises the question of modern research directions in the study of the essence of the phenomenon of perfectionism personality.

Author Biography

О. І. Кононенко, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Kononenko O. I.


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