professional adaptation, psychophysiological adaptation, personal characteristicsAbstract
This article presents an analysis of the problem adaptation professional law enforcement. Disclosed the psychophysiological essence of adaptation and its main components: activation, cognitive, emotional and motivational-volitional processes. Identified personal characteristics that affect the professional adaptation, namely:
1) self-concept (high self-concept provokes triggers goals setting higher real possibilities, which in turn reduces the effect of success and evokes strong emotional experience failure, reduced — passivity, fear of responsibility, reduction of subjective possibilities of success that disorganize the impact of failures, inadequate — incomplete implementation human capabilities in professional occupation, in some cases — renunciation);
2) emotional stability (resistance) — instability;
3) motivations to success (the higher power of motivation, the more successful is the adaptation of the individual in the group);
4) individual personal characteristics (locus of control and communication control).
At the end of the article defined objectives and recommendations for further research
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