psycho-emotional state, anxiety, depression, adolescence, prevention and correction, art therapy, dance- movement therapy, ritmoterapiy, streaming state of consciousnessAbstract
Paper is devoted to the study of the resource potential of the ethnic (Eastern) dance for the correction of psycho-emotional states of adolescent girls. It substantiates the idea that the connection of ethnic music and dance creative conscious gives the most natural occurrence in resource streaming state of consciousness, with its pronounced positive emotion that allows teenage girls to successfully overcome the physical and mental problems of his age, «do yourself», create their own understanding, their vision of the world, to learn new knowledge space, skills and abilities. In the process of oriental dance, teenage girls not only learn to interact with their «changing» the body, but also improve your fitness — strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, hips and legs, which in turn contributes to the development of physical coordination, skill formation on the appropriate use of their own efforts and getting pleasure from the movement itself. Because belly dance classes do not declare a direct therapeutic purposes, and are more entertaining and training, many protections do not include simply.
These classes develop more positive image of adolescent girls’ body, that helps not only to improve self-esteem, but also gives the opportunity to express themselves. Mastery of new movements and postures gives a chance to learn new feelings, manifestations stabilize the emotional sphere, environmentally friendly open and express themselves. Belly dance classes in a group of girls — teenagers can solve the problem of leading activity of this age — namely, communication with peers, development of new norms of behavior and relationships with people, to «conquer» the recognition and respect of the location to his peers.References
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