
  • О. В. Яремчук Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine




ethno-cultural myth-creativity, individual author’s myth, self-development of the personality, a subjective world image, akme-oriented technologies


The trend to remythology the social life in the era of globalization is the effect of the simultaneous existence of different types of myths: such as archaic myths, myths of popular culture, personal and individual author’s myths, national myth. Therefore, a systematic approach to myth-creativty in modern terms must take into account the relationship between different types of myths. This was reflected in the creation of Acme-oriented technologies.

Against the deconstruction of archaic myths and creation of new mythological forms it is important to determine «myth» as a character of social consciousness, which is stable and at the same time, dynamic at various epoch.

In the article it is presented the spatio-temporal structure of acme-oriented technologies. The first of these is the self-construction of «I» on the basis of the collective unconscious of the Slavs in the common ritual act. The starting position of the proposed technology is the following: the collective unconscious of the ancient Slavs acts as a basis of self-constraction of «I» and depending on the specific requests of individuals it facilitates their self-actualization, self-development and self-realization.

Next technology of acme-oriented development is the historic self-designing of personality on the basis of ethnic and cultural myth-crearivity. We have engaged the idea of autobiographical narrative as a way of occurence of individual author’s myth for this aim.

On the basis of the socio-psychological concept of ethno-cultural myth-creativity of personality we used psychological techniques of transmission and transformation of cultural and historical meanings in the narratives and dialogues, and also techniques of the creation of mythological artifacts mediating between eras and collective synthesizing of the symbol as an universal artifact that condenses the experience of many epoch.

Author Biography

О. В. Яремчук, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Yaremchuk O. V.


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