development, life events, age crises, regulatory historical factorsAbstract
In order to study the social and psychological development of adults and the factors influencing this development, the author on the basis of a systematic approach developed a questionnaire that identifies the significant events of the life and those crises that have affected the development of the individual throughout life. Autor is interested in how people will notice a change in our-self after certain events. With the help of this questionnaire, the influence of life events and crisis situations on personality development. In a study in the 2008–2011 year was attended by 156 part-time students of psychological faculty of the Christian humanitarian and economic Open University in age from 19 to 50 years, of which 90 % — women. Respondents identified three major factors that significantly influenced the change in their personality and attitude towards life: love, acceptance of the Faith (especially of the sample), and events related to the family, including — with the loss of loved ones.
The importance of relationships with parents and friendships respondents say up to 20 years. Motherhood as a conscious position — in the group 25–36 years. Health as a significant factor — in the group after 45 years.
Interestingly, the regulatory background of social change and significant non-normative events of our respondents did not mention the influence of such psychological factors as age crises.
The results confirm that development is more than just the result of the influence of age and historical factors, and allow us to make a preliminary conclusion that the current socio-economic conditions for the development of adult personality is much more significant affect personal and social events than age crises.
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