
  • М. О. Курицина National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine



career exploration, types of career exploration, professional self-determination, senior pupil, early adolescence


The article is devoted the study of problem of the professional settings in early youth age. Professional setting as a ready condition to realization of own professional activity comes forward one of psychological pre- conditions of professional self- determination of senior pupils. Exactly following setting personality perceives a situation determines the attitude toward reality puts aims and elects the proper method of actions. Found out the features of displays of types of the professional settings in senior pupils: an indecision in the professional choice, self — appraisal and dependence, in realization of professional.

It is set that the students of tenth classes mostly find out the high level of indecision in a professional choice high level of rationalism of the professional choice low level of optimism and middle level of dependence of professional choice. The students of eleventh classes are characterized mostly by the low level of indecision of the professional choice the middle level of rationalism of professional choice low level of optimism of the professional choice and low level of dependence of professional choice.

The result of experimental research of dynamics of development of types the professional settings are reflected in early youth in a period studies in the higher forms of general schools. It is set that dynamics of development of the professional settings of students to early youth age has uneven and contradictory character.

Without regard to that for youths and girls a decision and independence in increased in relation to a professional choice that in majority answers a low level and also the levels of settings of rationalism of professional choice and self — appraisal do down.

Author Biography

М. О. Курицина, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Kurizyna M.


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