attachment type, psychometric evaluationAbstract
In recent years a growing interest to the attachment problems study has appeared due to the increasing trend of the inflation of the role of independence, freedom, personal achievements, and the devaluation of the role of solidarity and affection in partner relationships.
Based on attachment theory a psychodiagnostic tool that allows evaluating the type of attachment has been designed. In foreign psychology the K. Brennan and R. C. Fraley Experiences Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R) questionnaire is widely used for this purpose. T. V. Kazantseva in her russian version of this questionnaire showed a significant reduction of the stimulus material. This raises the problem of psychometric assessment and determination of the suitability and reliability of this questionnaire to investigate the quality of attachment on the Ukrainian sample.
The purpose of the work is adaptation the Experiences Close Relationships-Revised method (the female version) for the study of attachment type in the Ukrainian sample. The Experiences Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R) method is a questionnaire consisting of 36 statements, and containing two scales: 1) anxiety in attachment relationship, and 2) avoidance of intimacy in close relationships. The type of attachment is determined by the combination of these two independent socio-psychological attitudes: the attitude towards dependence (anxiety) and independence in interpersonal contexts (avoidance).
A translation of the original text from English has been carried out. On a sample of 160 girls (18–20 years) the psychometric properties of adapting questionnaire have been studied.
The establishment of differential forces has been carried out for each statement separately in two scales of the questionnaire. For the anxiety scale all values of correlation coefficients are in the area of significance (τ=0,31–0,62, p0,01); for the avoidance scale all correlation coefficients are also in the area of significance (=0,37–0,66, p 0,01), that indicates informative value and a high level of differential forces of all the statements. Therefore, all 36 statements can be included into the questionnaire stimulus material. The establishing of the reliability of the questionnaire has been done by calculating the coefficient of the internaltest reliability. For the anxiety scale value is as follows: τ=0,68, p0,001; and for the avoidance scale — τ=0,72, p0,001, that indicates a high level of reliability of the questionnaire scales.
Factorization of space features described in questionnaire statements reveals the presence of more complex and differentiated (three-factor) structure than is proposed in the original version of the questionnaire that directs on the improvement and validation of questionnaire scalesmeanings.
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Правовласниками опублікованого матеріалу являються авторський колектив та засновник журналу на умовах, що визначаються видавничою угодою, що укладається між редакційною колегією та авторами публікацій. Ніяка частина опублікованого матеріалу не може бути відтворена без попереднього повідомлення та дозволу автора.
Публікація праць в Журналі здійснюється на некомерційній основі.
Після публікації автор має право опублікувати свою роботу в будь-якому іншому засобі масової інформації без дозволу редакції журналу, без посилання на журнал, але з повідомленням редакційної колегії журналу про публікацію своєї роботи в іншому засобі масової інформації.
Редакція має право віддати роботу автора на публікацію до іншого засобу масової інформації, але з дозволу автору.
Положення про конфіденційність
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