
  • А. О. Кононенко Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine



self-presentation, structural-functional model of personal constructs


The complexity and ambiguity of substantial self-presentation phenomenon in modern science is revealed in a variety of approaches to the determination of the investigated psychic phenomena. Self-presentation is considered as a general feature of the social behavior of the individual. One of the main individual-personality constructs that make up the differential model of teacher’s self-presentation of humanities disciplines are personal construct. The purpose of the article is to highlight the structural analysis algorithm of personal construct teacher’s self-presentation. Each of the selected constructs, performing a function in a general model of self-presentation may be basic or coordination — basic construct emphasizes the universality of symptoms that go into it, and coordination reveals the degree of symptom dive into the process of subject-subject relations (we call it multysubjective construct). Personal construct is universal and includes symptoms character types and characteristics of self-esteem and motivation. Structural analysis of the construct was carried out as follows: evaluated descriptive statistics for the parameters of each structural component; calculated the correlation between the parameters component constructs; calculated relationship between the components studied by means of factor analysis. A personal construct model of teacher’s self-presentation of the humanities disciplines includes the following structural units: characterological features, especially the self-esteem and motivation of features, which are characterized by the influence individual and individual — multysubujective constructs. Using structural analysis revealed that the personal construct model of teacher’s self-presentation of humanities disciplines is very versatile, but can be described by a limited number of generalized characteristics.

Author Biography

А. О. Кононенко, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Kononenko A. A.


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