art, symbol, archetype of the self, self-actualizationAbstract
Recently, there has been an increase of interest in fairy tale therapy. Fairy tale creation can be considered as a kind of such therapy, it can serve as a means of psychological help to children and adults due to the characteristic features of the fairy tale like easiness for perception, absence of mechanisms of defense, vast data of information contained, etc. The article deals with the investigation of a literary fairy tale as the reflection of the creator’s personality, emotions experienced by the author and his way to self realization. Literary fairy tale is created in the process of creative activity and expresses author’s attitude to reality, his inner world, his means of survival — has a therapeutic effect. The major task of this study is to provide scientific psychological analyses of the peculiarities of symbolic representation of life and creative realization of the personality in literary fairy-tale. The interpretation of literary fairy tale can give the explanation to hidden mechanisms of creative activity, in the fairy tale «The fairy tale about Fool» written by V. Symonenko the representation of the tragic events (his father left his family after his birth, famishment in 1947, the pressure of the society) called exquisite situations is traced. Emotions appearing under such circumstances influence all further life of the personality if they are not expressed in a literary work, a picture or a piece of music. Emotions find their way of revealing in symbols and author’s attitude to the characters of the story, he identifies himself with the main character – the Fool who is looking for the way of his self-development and self-realization. The symbols (mother, father, a baby, a girl, water, cave) used by the author are defined and explained on the basis of analytical theory. This research shows the importance of products of creative activity analyzing for understanding of inner mechanisms of creativity and its source.References
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