
  • Л. Я. Барінова Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine



creativity (imagination), creative capabilities, selfactualization, success is unsuccess, intellectual qualities


The article is sanctified to the theoretical ground of the phenomenon of psychological competence of personality, that is innovative and presented not enough in home psychology.

The article is dedicated to theoretical ground of the phenomenon of psychological competence of personality. This topic is innovative and it is presented insufficiently in home psychology. Competence represents willingness of a subject to effectively organize internal and external resources to set and achieve goals. Internal resources are defined as knowledge, skills, competences (ways of different activities), psychological characteristics, values, etc. Competence is a quality which is acquired through residence situations and reflection of experience. The author’s scientific position states that individual competences as some internal potential hidden psychological neoplasms (knowledge, ideas, sequence of actions, values and attitudes) are shown in a coherent psychological competence of an individual. The study of this problem suggests that a cohesive social psychological quality is to be formed while a personality is being developed. This quality is creating a comfortable environment to successfully realize some certain potential, interaction with others, adequate resolution of standard and non-standard situations which require creativity, experience of inner comfort and psychological security. Thus this particular integrated quality defines a complete integrated human psychological competence. Redundancy is a common mistake of the majority of current theoretical approaches to study competence. Researchers make long lists of competences without taking into consideration the fact that human personality is cohesive.

Author Biography

Л. Я. Барінова, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Barynova L. Y.


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