
  • Л. Н. Акімова Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine




burnout syndrome, mental stress, symptoms, intercorrelation matrix, interpersonal features


The article concretizes the specificity of professional sport’s team coach activity which contributes to the emergence of burnout syndrome as a professional deformation. The specific features of professional activities include: a low probability of predicting results of operations, decision-making and selection of action in a limited time, a high level of emotional and intellectual expenses during the activity. Define functions of the burnout syndrome as a defense mechanism. Orientation of the first function is associated with support for optimal activation of the effective implementation of professional activity. Orientation of the second function is depreciation of threats fracture values and integrity of the «I». It recognizes the leading role of the level of tension in the genesis of mental burnout syndrome. Structural analysis of the manifestations of symptoms of burnout syndromes showed that the structural organization of the symptoms of the coaches with unformed and formed the burnout syndrome is the opposite. The intensity of burnout comes through each of the phases. In phase of anxiety stress dominant symptom experiences a traumatic situation, in the phase of resistance is expanding the economy of emotions in the depletion phase — depersonalization. The structure of the symptoms of burnout syndromes among coaches with unformed burnout syndrome is associated with the manifestation of interpersonal interaction features as confidence, independence, commitment to competition and aggression. Coaches with structural organization formed syndrome symptoms associated with the expression of needs for trust, friendliness, and desire to cooperate in expanding the scope of savings emotions. Intensification of burnout syndrome complicates the process of self-regulation and control mental states, restricts access to resources that requires additional energy costs. Controllability mental state is maintained by the rise counteract stress.

Author Biography

Л. Н. Акімова, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Akimova L. N.


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