
  • Т. Ю. Ушакова South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine



motives of responsible behavior, the motivational component, structure of responsibility, the responsible behavior


The article presents theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding the motivational component of responsibility. Based on the systematization of views on the motivational component of responsibility, some differences and similarities in the interpretation of it component have been identified. As a result of the carried out analysis, the groups of motives was determined; it consists of selfish, moral, collective, social, self-assertion, avoid failure, the influence of close people, intrinsic motives. This set of groups of motives allows to reflect adequately qualitative individually psychological peculiarities of personality’s responsibility and therefore responsible acts and behavior peculiar to a personality. People can be guided by different motives of responsibility admission. Thus, it is very important to focus on the study of various motives of a responsible act when researching motivational components. It is also important to study the dominant motivation type, the individual variability of responsibility and the situational component, other related characteristics of this phenomenon. The interpretation of indicators is specified and the further trends for the study of this phenomenon are identified in this article.

Author Biography

Т. Ю. Ушакова, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky

Ushakova T.


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