adolescent, anorexia nervosa, body image, bulimia nervosa, dysmorphomania, dysmorphophobiaAbstract
The article analyzes separate pathologies of adolescents age concerning appearance, as major types of body image destabilization. Displeasure with own appearance is an enough wide phenomenon among mentally healthy persons of teenager and youth age. However in healthy people these thoughts don’t take dominant position in the hierarchy of values and don’t define all their behaviour and way of life. In other cases, persuasion in presence of any physical defects can have the form of pathology, frequently very difficult one. Such cases are peculiar to predominantly teenager and youth age. It is found out that the violation of body image is the most common clinical characteristics inherent to anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, dysmorphophobia and dysmorphomania.
On the assumption of this, disclosure of the content of these pathologies as forms of body image destabilization in teenagers is topical. On the bases of the theoretical analysis of scientific sources it is revealed that the occurrence of these disorders is particularly closely related to the problems of adolescence. Quite often adolescents’ obvious concern about their own appearance precedes the beginning of these disorders. Dissatisfaction with individual’s body transforms into dysfunctional beliefs about weight and body shape, or a certain appearance defect, what is closely correlated with negatively reinforced behavior concerning weight control or appearance defect correlation in any way. There is established the connection between body image violation and separate manifestations of symptoms as well as with the development of clinically deployed eating behavior disorders.References
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