
  • Д. Т. Чаріті Kharkov national University V. N. Karazin, Ukraine



adolescents, atopic dermatitis, psychosomatic illness, body, skin


Atopic dermatitis occurs in all countries, both sexes and different age groups The relevance of psychological features of atopic dermatitis in individuals adolescence dictated by the fact that adolescence is seen as the most important and most difficult period of human life, which is characterized by sudden, rapid, crisis perebih.U adolescence as a possible disappearance of lesions (mostly boys) and sharp aggravation of dermatitis with increasing area of the lesion, lesion of the face and neck syndrome (red face), neck and hands skin, around wrists and elbows pits. The skin — the largest organ of the human, which performs a number of important functions: protective, thermoregulating, receptor. F. Alexander in «Psychosomatic мedicine» atopic dermatitis first relates to the famous «сhicago seven» psychosomatic diseases. The author identified three components that determine the occurrence of the disease: the psychological structure of personality; provoking situation that has a special emotional significance for the individual and can revive him unconscious conflict, constitutional predisposition (vulnerability agency) Any problem with the skin, usually leads to the fact that a person is ashamed of itself. Тhe study of this problem requires a more nuanced understanding of detailed and in-depth examination and a special psycho program aimed at addressing the psychological discomfort in adolescents suffering from atopic dermatitis.

Author Biography

Д. Т. Чаріті, Kharkov national University V. N. Karazin

Сariti J.T.


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