integrated personal identity, the identity of integrated hierarchical levels, types of transformationAbstract
The article is devoted to theoretical and empirical study of the characteristics of the formation and transformation of the integral characteristics of personal identity. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the problem of personal identity as an integral and independent phenomenon of the psyche, which is regarded as a psychological phenomenon with a complex hierarchical structure and the process that has a certain logic of development and formation.
From the standpoint of integral and continuous-hierarchical approach Sannikova O. P., developed principles and model «integral identity of the person», explicated and described component composition indicators integrated identity. Formally, the dynamic level is represented by a set of those properties, which reflect the shape and dynamics of leakage of personal identity. Content-level integrated personal identity is linked to the direction and motivational sphere of personality. Socio-mandatory level is characterized by the features of identity are shaped by the social, moral, and cultural knowledge of regulatory requirements for identity.
The main objective of the study is related to the search for analytical and experimental psychological factors integral transformation of identity at the future psychologists in the course of their professional retraining.
It was revealed that at the future psychologists in the course of professional retraining actively transformed the dynamic characteristics of the formal level of identity (flexibility and latitude in finding their identity, changes need to find the real identity and authenticity).
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