
  • О. С. Кочарян University of Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • А. О. Макаренко National Aerospace University. M.E. Zhukovsky «HAI», Ukraine
  • А. С. Пєхарєва Kharkiv gymnasium № 116, Ukraine



children who are often ill, personality features


Today we can see a harsh health decline of children and adolescents. Children with frequent illnesses constitute the biggest group of children who require a systematic medical, psychological and pedagogical support. An important medical and psychological task is to determine disease-producing factors and mechanisms, which potentiate the emergence of somatic illnesses among elementary school children. Another task here is to find the resource sides of personality, reliance on which will ensure the overcoming of frequent and prolonged illnesses consequences. The illness life situation can distort the «common» way of child development. The psychical remedies against illnesses depend on an ill child’s age, their key activities. 62 elementary school children (29 of them are boys and 33 are girls) took part in the research, the frequency of ARD incidents varied from 4 to 6 times a year. We have established that children who are often ill tend to be distrustful, have excessive petulance, lack of intuition in inter personal relations; they also tend to be negative, stubborn, self-centered. Children who are often ill react sharply to failures, evaluate themselves as less capable compared to their peers, show mood swings, are bad at controlling their emotions. They also find it hard to adapt to new environment and experience difficulties in studying. Children who are often ill tend to be shy and timid in conversations with parents and teachers while their healthy peers are free and brave in communication and approach adults easily. Children who are often ill apprehend failure, can easily be upset, often have bad mood, are anxious while healthy children are calm and seldom get upset.

Author Biographies

О. С. Кочарян, University of Kharkiv

Kocharian A.S.

А. О. Макаренко, National Aerospace University. M.E. Zhukovsky «HAI»

Makarenko A. A.

А. С. Пєхарєва, Kharkiv gymnasium № 116

Pehareva A.S.


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