
  • Н. В. Каргіна South National Pedagogical University. K. D. Ushinskogo, Ukraine



psychological well-being, psychological well-being components, test, questionnaire, scale, methodology, validity


The article provides theoretical analysis and synthesis of the most famous contemporary methods of studying of psychological well-being. It was found that most of the phenomenon of psychological well-being investigated by self-assessment questionnaires. The classification; analysis features methods and analyzed their psychometric indicators. Despite the variety of psychodiagnostic implements is still uncertain is the universal theoretical and methodological basis of the study of the quality. It allocated only six techniques that diagnose psychological well-being: method «Index of general psychological well-being», «The Scale of Psychological Well-being C. Ryff», 100-WHOQOL Questionnaire methodology The WHO-Five Well-being Index; questionnaire Kozmina «Presentation of psychological well-being of students and its retrospective self-assessment» questionnaire The Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Well-Being and other methods only indirectly examine the issue. As a result, the proposed classification methods based on two parameters: the scope of life and «completeness» use construct. The largest number of techniques intended to diagnose individual components of psychological well-being in different spheres of life.

Author Biography

Н. В. Каргіна, South National Pedagogical University. K. D. Ushinskogo

Kargіna N. V.


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