
  • О. В. Дробот Lviv State University of Internal Affairs of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine, Ukraine



professional consciousness, administrative consciousness, administrative activity motives, VAAL psycholinguistic system, psychosemantic nature, comparative analysis


At the present stage of motivation psychology’s development, the problems of forming and controlling professional motivation take center stage. This article reviews motivational structure of professional consciousness, outlining semantic nature of professional administrative activity motives. The author proves that in professional training, digestion of communicative system of linguistic signs in which mental objectivization of professional personality takes place allows to regard verbal products of a subject of work as an associative field of digested meanings (psychosemantic approach). A comparative analysis of psychosemantic nature of professional motives of future managers (manager students) and experienced managers (active executives) was presented. Mental lexicon of students and active managers with developed professional consciousness was analyzed. A structural similarity of motivational sphere taking shape in manager students and already existing in professional managers was proved, with the only difference between the two groups found in the expressiveness of certain motivation indicators. Mental lexicon of managers is dominated by the markers of such motives as desire of power, success and preventing failures, while that of students features fear of power and desire to prevent failures. Managers are relatively less affiliative and more persistent in preventing failures. The presence of hope for support and fear of being neglected in students opposes to the absence of that in managers. Therefore, psychosemantic nature of administrative activity motives found in the consciousness of future and active managers showed their similar structure but different qualitative content, revealed the possibility of future professional’s professional development via formation of professional motives in an active professional, and proved their belonging to the same form of professional consciousness.

Author Biography

О. В. Дробот, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine

Drobot O.V.


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