
  • К. В. Хоменко National Pedagogical University named by M. P. Dragomanov, Ukraine



value, personal values, value representation, universal values, semantic entity


Today we live in a time when not only in Ukrainian society, but also in the world is the formation of new values and rethinking old values have changed priorities proposed by the public individual, personal values in accordance with the essential transformation. In this article, the problems are formulated and relevance of studying the phenomenon of personal values.

The concept of «value», its genesis and nature is studied in the works of scientists, philosophers, sociologists, culture experts, psychologists and others. To date there is no scientific literature unequivocally clear definition of «value». The emphasis is on a particular side of this term, which is in the interest of science.Value — normative and evaluative (positive, negative) relationship between man and the surrounding reality due importance to their own needs and demonstrates its social maturity. Personal values — the inner personality as a basis for ethical values orientation. They steer human behavior to specific goals stanovlyatsya evaluation criteria, which enables it to create a complete image of the social world. Consciously adopted common man senses a person’s life are its values, which is active in early adolescence. We join by S. Schwartz concept of unity, universality of human values (motivational semantic types) regardless of the culture and society.Growing up I-concept of the individual is actively developing is determinant of the process of adaptation to the social environment, particularly in the development of the value of personality structure.The logic of our further research to examine the relationship also involves the attitude of the individual values in adolescence.

Author Biography

К. В. Хоменко, National Pedagogical University named by M. P. Dragomanov

Khomenko Y.V.


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