
  • C. А. Прахова National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



the phenomenon of frustration, frustration theory, determinants, frustration situation, frustration reaction, the historical retrospective of studies (researches)


The phenomenon of frustration has a long history of research. With the change of scientific paradigms and approaches have changed and the interpretation of the phenomenon of frustration. As researches on this issue are a lot, there is a need for their classification. Seems advisable classification of all existing concepts of frustration according to two criteria: first, taking into account the principle of historicism; secondly, maintaining the principle of determinism.

The object of the study is the comparative analysis of the formation of the frustration theory in the context of the analysis of works of Western European, American and Soviet psychologists throughout the twentieth century.

For researches of the Western European and American psychologists is characteristic: to consider the frustration as a specific research topic with a emphasis shift on its manifestations and consequences; the desire to give a categorical assessment of the concept through a series of simple operations and analogies (which led to a distortion and simplification of the definition); to focus the main attention on the behavioral aspects of the specified phenomenon (ignoring at the same time their own psychological content of frustrations). For Soviet psychologists is characteristic the consideration of frustration as the mental state in the framework of the position of the activity approach.

Author Biography

C. А. Прахова, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Prahova S. A.


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