
  • Н. С. Малєєва Social and Political Psychology of NAPS Ukraine, Ukraine



social networks, Internet addiction, social networking dependence, communicative practices, netiquette, addictive behavior


The article notes that the modern technological progress leads to the changes in the ways of interacting in society. The concept of dependence on social networks as the most affordable and convenient modern option of communication was considered. The main forms of dependence on social networks were found. They include the loss of importance of communication in the real life, the ignoring of appearance not to mention the indifference to education or professional activity. The dependence from social networks is the consequence of the desire to communicate with a great number of known and unknown people with the help of Internet and is manifested in the personality’s separation from the reality, irritability upon the absence of access to the Internet, increase of the amount of time dedicated to communication with friends online, and not in the reality, non execution of family and professional duties.

The system of factors of dependence on social networks which promotes an addiction has been proposed. Social, psychological and social-psychological factors were identified. A serious consequence which negatively affects the person who is dependent on social networks was concluded. The consequences are reflected in the health, selfconcept, professional development, relationships with the family and friends. At the same time it may be the path to self-discovery, disclosure of creativity, self-expression, self-empowerment disclosure, which has positive impact on the quality of life.

Author Biography

Н. С. Малєєва, Social and Political Psychology of NAPS Ukraine

Malieieva N. S.


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