
  • В. А. Буланов Classic Private University, Ukraine



salutogenesis, quality of life, research, psychological, social and medical aspects


Nowadays the standard of living is closely related to the quality of life, and the quality of life, in our opinion, is not only the optimal implementation of physiological, social and civic opportunities of each individual, but also self-actualization of each person’s individual potential. The fundamental justification of the quality of life phenomenon as a general psychological component of a subject’s salutogenic orientation enables understanding the logic of many unfolding mechanisms of personal well-being and the formation of adequate life strategies oriented towards complete self-realization.

The definition of quality of life is a broad, complex paradigm that includes social, physical and, above all, psychological components that provide adequate social and psychological status of a subject, freedom of action and choice, overcoming excessive concern and influence of stress factors, psychological and professional self-affirmation, and adequacy of communication and relationships.

Traditionally health saving directions in studying quality of life are more broadly represented in scholar research (here we include medical and anthropological research directions of this phenomenon), which still do not avoid some psychological aspects.

Additionally, the quality of life aspect can be roughly described as psychological and environmental. Compared with the study of psychological personality qualities, there is scarce research in this field. The quality of life issues that lie in the area of environmental psychology concern the study of personality qualities in real life. The environment is seen as a set of conditions, external forces and incentives that affect a person.

The research of a subject’s life quality was conducted in the following directions: medical, anthropological, psychological, environmental, spiritual and religious, psychodiagnostic and ontogenetic. Each of them solved their own narrow objectives, considered various aspects of the quality of life phenomenon, but there a thorough conceptual general psychological theory of quality of life hasn’t been developed in science.

Thus, the concept «quality of life» as a part of salutogenic conception of the personality formation is an important feature of a subject’s overall life activities.

Author Biography

В. А. Буланов, Classic Private University

Bulanov V. A.


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