
  • Н. Ф. Будиянський Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine



psychological safety, mental health, psychological culture, a teenager’s personality, the development of the individual


Psychological safety is a component of national security and is included in the category of social security. Psychological safety as the state of conservation of the psyche, involves maintaining a balance between the negative effects on the person by his environment and his sustainability, the ability to overcome such effects by his own resources or with the help of environmental factors protection. Psychological safety of the individual and the environment are inseparable and constitute a model of sustainable development and the normal functioning of the human interaction with the environment.

It is clear that psychological safety is an essential condition of preservation and strengthening of mental health, the full development of the child. Psychological health, in its turn, is the basis of the viability of the child, who in the process of childhood and adolescence has to solve complicated problems: to master his own body and his own behavior; to learn to live, to work, to study and to take responsibility for himself and others; to develop a system of scientific knowledge and social skills; to develop his skills and to build the image of «I» and the image of the world.

Psychological culture in the developed form is sufficiently high quality selforganization and self-control of any human life, various kinds of his basic aspirations and trends, relationships, personality (to himself, to close and distant people, to animate and inanimate nature, to the world as a whole). It is optimally organized and flowing process of life. With the development of psychological culture, the person harmoniously takes into account both internal requirements of the person, the mind, his body, and external requirements of social and natural environments of life.

One of the factors affecting the formation of a teenager’s personality is a selfidentity that shapes the level of claims, chooses the circle of life goals difficulties, the ratio of successes and failures in life, which in its turn affects the development of the individual.

If a teenager sets unreasonably huge goals for himself, it can lead to frequent failures and disappointments. Such unjustified arrogance annoys the others, causes conflicts and frustrations. The same danger for a teenager is hidden in an undervalued level of claims since it prompts him to shy away from any activity, to avoid people or to be an obedient tool in the hands of the others. Both phenomena adversely affect the formation of the teenager’s psychological health.

To prevent such manifestations it is necessary to form a psychological culture as an important component of the formation of the personality of a teenager in the educational environment.

Author Biography

Н. Ф. Будиянський, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Budiyanskiy N. F.


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